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The catalogue of stamps Michel 2015
 May 8 | 2024
The NEW!!! MICHEL 2024
The catalogue michel 2024
Catalogue of world stamps Scott 2008
 21 June | 2018
The NEW!!! the Catalogue of stamps of all world SCOTT 2017 on 3 DVD...
To buy the catalogue scott 2008
New catalogues of stamps, coins, banknotes
 May, 24 | 2007
On a site there were new catalogues stamps, coins and banknotes...
New catalogues 2008
Standard catalog of WORLD PAPER MONEY.
1961-Present (2007). 13 edition.
 Fev., 20 | 2008
The NEW!!! There were new catalogues of banknotes WORLD PAPER MONEY under the editorship of 13 edition....
Catalogues of banknotes of PICK, under edition KRAUSE 2008
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Base of collectors (various kinds of a collecting and subjects)
the base of collectors to download base of collectors where to find other collectors, collectors on philately, collectors-numismatists to download free of charge base of philatelists of the different countries

Base of collectors. Various kinds of a collecting and subjects

We ask all collectors, to give pair of minutes of your time for addition of in base of collectors and shortly to you already offers with an exchange/purchase/sale of a collection material on your theme will start to come!

!!! Attention!!! At present access to base only for collectors who have added itself in base! Addition of new collectors absolutely free of charge! Read more low how to add itself in base.

In this section the base of collectors settles down. Access to base and addition in base of new collectors - is absolutely free! * is advised to subscribe for our dispatch on page "Contacts" or to add this page in the selected works for access simplification to base . While the base to gather and is sorted in a manual mode.
we ask all collectors, wishing to add (or acquaintances) in this base to make the following: (to READ ATTENTIVELY!)
1) to Prepare the information on you in a kind (with comments and notes):
a collecting Kind: Write that you collect (marks, coins, etc. or philately, numismatics, etc.) if to one are not limited to the first write the "main" kind of a collecting. If some names probably in the future your questionnaire are specified will take places in several sections (for example, marks and coins). But it is not necessary to specify unreasonably a considerable quantity of names (for example, you are a philatelist, have a decent collection and a lot of a collection material, but have 10-20 more coins. To specify "Coin" point (or "Numismatist") it is undesirable), is better to describe it in point "Additional information". By the way, a category specify any (even if, for example, a collecting of caps from handles), i.e. ALL collectors are accepted!
a collecting Theme: Specify a theme. For example: Fauna, chess, horses, etc. If a little, by a principle of the first point.
S.N.P.: The a surname, a name, a patronymic. Specify real data as some collectors will probably address to you through mail.
the Post address: It is necessary to specify the post address with an index. Specify real data as some collectors will probably address to you through mail.
E-mail: Specify e-mail. Certainly real address. Probably to specify some addresses, just in case.
The site: If is. The reference to your site will be published only if you place on the site a small button on this section in any (almost) a visible place. (Installation and button presence is supervised). Do not forget to specify the direct address in page with the button.
the Status of the collector: Sale, Purchase, the Exchange. Specify the necessary.
the collecting Experience: On what duration of time be engaged in a collecting. Is available in view of active.
the Additional information: Specify about itself the additional information, it can be additional e-mail, the quantity of a collection material, additional hobbies and hobbies, etc. the Description "Additional information" should not exceed 300-320 symbols!

The empty questionnaire:
A collecting Kind:

A collecting Theme:
The Post address:
The site:
The Status of the collector:
The collecting Experience:
The Additional information:

Questionnaires in base of collectors can be left in our special to the guest book

Links to this section:

Base of collectors

< a href="" blank="_blank" title="I in base of collectors. Add itself in base of collectors, absolutely free of charge! Join us!> Base of collectors </a> </b>


Base of collectors - I in base of collectors. Add itself in base of collectors, absolutely free of charge! Join us!

< a href="" blank="_blank" title="I in base of collectors. Add itself in base of collectors, absolutely free of charge! Join us!"> < b> Base of collector</a> - I in base of collectors. Add itself in base of collectors, absolutely free of charge! Join us! </b>


I in base of collectors. Add itself in base of collectors, absolutely free of charge! Join us!

< a href=""> < img src="" width="88" height="31" border="0" alt="I in base of collectors. Add itself in base of collectors, absolutely free of charge! Join us!"> </a>

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